When you donate to Crime Stoppers of Michigan – Project Safe Campus, you help to empower students of Southeast Michigan to make their neighborhoods and schools safer through the anonymous reporting of crime.
Why Donate?
CSM is engaged with the children of Southeast Michigan; our objective is to provide them a safe environment at schools, neighborhoods and public spaces where they can learn, play and achieve their dreams.
Our children are continually facing challenges regarding their safety. It's a critical time to ensure that every young person can SPEAK UP when a crime or any situation that puts them at risk is happening.
With the recent shootings, stabbings, and other crimes committed in schools all over the country, it proves that no place or entity is immune to this type of situation. We would like to provide our services - at NO cost to the schools in Southeast Michigan, to ensure that students and staff feel safer in their places of education or employment.
Through our program, we teach them to stay aware of their surroundings on their campus and in their neighborhoods; to create a safe culture by securely and easily reporting crime or any behavior that might bring harm to a person and the community anonymously; and to be empowered, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.
Nearly 14 children per day are victims of crime in Detroit. The average age of the victim is 13. Roughly 2 of 5 children were victims of violent crimes such as homicide, sexual assault, aggravated assault, and robbery.1
In the 2016-2017 school year, 55% of all school-based threats and incidents of violence occurred in just 10 states. Michigan ranks among them.2
A wave of bomb threats and comments about reenacting a mass shooting has some Southeast Michigan districts on edge. According to Marc Zimmerman, a professor at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health, threats can adversely impact students. He states any type of concern for well-being, bullying threats included, can have long-term impacts on children and society. That includes the impact of threats made against schools.3